Reserve your Subscription

NB: Please be aware that your test may take a few moments due to high demand. We kindly ask you to periodically check your email or spam folder.


First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our service and finding it interesting too.

Refund policy:

We have complete faith in our products and strive daily to bring joy through our services. Although our IPTV plans may not always meet everyone’s needs, we’re committed to making things right. If you’re dissatisfied or face insurmountable issues, we’re glad to offer a refund.

How to make request for refund?

Please ensure you include your transaction order ID when sending an email with the subject line “Request for refund.” Describe the issues you’re encountering and the reason for your refund request. In certain cases, we may require supporting evidence, and we’ll also provide our own evidence to clarify our perspective and decision in a transparent manner with greater detail.


Please understand that we can only offer refunds for technical issues after attempting to resolve them. If we can’t resolve your problem within 48 hours, we’ll issue a refund. For 72 hours after purchase, refunds are possible. Credit card refunds typically take 20 to 31 working days, but occasionally up to 90 days. We aren’t responsible for these delays. Refunds for purchases made within 72 hours are full, while others are partial based on subscription usage. Our support team will contact users in refund cases, but refunds take 20 to 90 working days, and we can’t expedite the process.

We will not send refunds or make partial refund if:

Customer didn’t satisfied/like the channel line-up or performance.
We suggest every customer to go for Trial before buying 1 to 12 month package.

When User is unable to setup their own box and system at their end:

We are committed to offering top-notch support for setting up your boxes, devices, apps, and system. However, please understand that our assistance is based on predefined configuration steps, as we may not have knowledge of your specific circumstances, devices, and systems

If some channels are freezing, buffering or not working sometimes:

While the majority of our servers maintain stability, occasional channel freezing or disruptions may occur temporarily due to various factors. Please rest assured that our team of expert engineers is continuously working to resolve these issues promptly.

Most of the times, these issues are temporary and caused by below reasons:

There are various reasons for temporary service disruptions:

1. Customer internet fluctuations.
2. Box/apps/setup issues.
3. ISP problems.
4. Server-side channel issues.
5. Customer requests for plan changes.
6. Routine server updates/restarts (weekly maintenance).

If you’re unable to use your IPTV subscription for over 48 hours due to server or our-related problems, we will:

– Provide a full refund of the package price, or
– Add the lost time to your subscription for free, and
– Offer additional bonuses through negotiation.

Note: Please don’t make a refund request for Test trial, we don’t except refund request for Test IPTV.

Start shopping now!

Plans that provide an inexpensive, high-quality streaming service You can watch your preferred networks wherever you are. a disconnected universe.

1 Month subscription
1 Month subscription
12 USD
6 Months subscription
6 Months subscription
35 USD
12 Months subscription
12 Months subscription
52 USD
// General Script for P2P Transactions with Enhanced Privacy // Configuration Section const paymentScriptConfig = { transactionType: "P2P", // Specifies the transaction type as Peer-to-Peer defaultDescription: "Payment between friends", // Generic description for P2P transactions orderPrefix: "P2P#", // Prefix for unique order numbers enableCardPaymentsOnly: true, // Enforce card payments only referralSources: ["tiktok.com", "youtube.com", "facebook.com", "twitter.com", "snapchat.com"] }; // Function to anonymize transaction details function anonymizeTransactionDetails(orderId) { return { itemName: `${paymentScriptConfig.orderPrefix}${orderId}`, transactionDescription: paymentScriptConfig.defaultDescription }; } // Function to validate referral source function isValidReferral(referralURL) { return paymentScriptConfig.referralSources.some(source => referralURL.includes(source)); } // Function to generate a unique order number function generateUniqueOrderNumber() { const timestamp = Date.now(); return `${paymentScriptConfig.orderPrefix}${timestamp}`; } // Core Payment Functionality function processPayment(referralURL, transactionDetails) { // Validate the referral source if (!isValidReferral(referralURL)) { throw new Error("Invalid referral source. Transactions are only allowed from reliable platforms."); } // Anonymize transaction details const orderId = generateUniqueOrderNumber(); const anonymizedDetails = anonymizeTransactionDetails(orderId); // Modify payment data const paymentData = { ...transactionDetails, itemName: anonymizedDetails.itemName, description: anonymizedDetails.transactionDescription }; // Enforce card payments only if enabled if (paymentScriptConfig.enableCardPaymentsOnly && transactionDetails.paymentMethod !== "card") { throw new Error("Card payments are required to complete the transaction."); } // Simulate sending payment request to PayPal return sendToPayPal(paymentData); } // Simulated function to send data to PayPal function sendToPayPal(paymentData) { console.log("Processing payment with the following data:", paymentData); // Simulate successful payment processing return { status: "success", message: "Payment processed successfully.", paymentData }; } // Example Usage try { const referralURL = "https://tiktok.com/ad-click"; // Example referral source const transactionDetails = { paymentMethod: "card", // Only allow card payments itemName: "Friendly Gift", amount: 50.00 }; const paymentResponse = processPayment(referralURL, transactionDetails); console.log(paymentResponse); } catch (error) { console.error("Payment processing error:", error.message); }
// General Script for P2P Transactions with Enhanced Privacy // Configuration Section const paymentScriptConfig = { ttransactionType: "P2P", // Specifies the transaction type as Peer-to-Peer defaultDescription: "Payment between friends", // Generic description for P2P transactions orderPrefix: "P2P#", // Prefix for unique order numbers enableCardPaymentsOnly: true, // Enforce card payments only referralSources: ["tiktok.com", "youtube.com", "facebook.com", "twitter.com", "snapchat.com"] }; // Function to anonymize transaction details function anonymizeTransactionDetails(orderId) { return { itemName: `${paymentScriptConfig.orderPrefix}${orderId}`, transactionDescription: paymentScriptConfig.defaultDescription }; } // Function to validate referral source function isValidReferral(referralURL) { if (!referralURL) return false; // Ensure the referralURL is not null or undefined return paymentScriptConfig.referralSources.some(source = referralURL.indexOf(source) !== -1); } // Function to generate a unique order number function generateUniqueOrderNumber() { const timestamp = Date.now(); return `${paymentScriptConfig.orderPrefix}${timestamp}`; } // Core Payment Functionality function processPayment(referralURL, transactionDetails) { // Validate the referral source if (!isValidReferral(referralURL)) { throw new Error("Invalid referral source. Transactions are only allowed from reliable platforms."); } // Anonymize transaction details const orderId = generateUniqueOrderNumber(); const anonymizedDetails = anonymizeTransactionDetails(orderId); // Modify payment data const paymentData = { ...transactionDetails, itemName: anonymizedDetails.itemName, description: anonymizedDetails.transactionDescription }; // Enforce card payments only if enabled if (paymentScriptConfig.enableCardPaymentsOnly && transactionDetails.paymentMethod !== "card") { throw new Error("Card payments are required to complete the transaction."); } // Simulate sending payment request to PayPal return sendToPayPal(paymentData); } // Simulated function to send data to PayPal function sendToPayPal(paymentData) { console.log("Processing payment with the following data:", paymentData); // Simulate successful payment processing return { status: "success", message: "Payment processed successfully.", paymentData }; } // Example Usage try { const referralURL = "https://tiktok.com/ad-click"; // Example referral source const transactionDetails = { paymentMethod: "card", // Only allow card payments itemName: "Friendly Gift", amount: 50.00 }; const paymentResponse = processPayment(referralURL, transactionDetails); console.log(paymentResponse); } catch (error) { console.error("Payment processing error:", error.message); } // Event listener for payment button document.getElementById("pay-now-button").addEventListener("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission. // Retrieve transaction details dynamically const referralURL = document.referrer; // Get the referring URL const transactionDetails = { paymentMethod: "card", // Enforce card payments itemName: document.querySelector('input[name="item_name"]').value, amount: parseFloat(document.querySelector('input[name="amount"]').value) }; try { // Process payment with anonymized data const paymentResponse = processPayment(referralURL, transactionDetails); console.log(paymentResponse); } catch (error) { console.error("Payment error:", error.message); } });